Frequently asked question ballistic product
1. How do ballistic panels protect?
When a projectile strikes a protective ballistic panel, the fibers absorb the energy transferred to the layers of which the ballistic panel is made. Ballistic panels are made of several layers precisely to absorb energy in order to minimize trauma from projectile strikes.
2. According to which standard is the level of protection determined?
CROSHIELD® offers in its range protective vests of protection levels II, IIA, IIIA, III and IV in accordance with NIJ Standard 0101.04, 0101.06, KR1/SP1 in accordance with HOSDB 2007, and protection level according to NATO STNAG 2920 V50>700 m/s.
At the request of users, our development team is able to develop and produce a non-standard concept of ballistic protection according to the required specifications. This applies to pistol or rifle bullets that are not prescribed by a certain standard.
3. What level of protection do I need?
The first step is to assess the potential danger that threatens you, which weapons are used in your area, which is the best-selling type of weapon and the percentage of casualties in your city/state and finally to choose the level of protection according to your own assessment or our suggestion.
For your information, protection level IIIA (soft ballistics) according to NIJ Standard 0101.04 will stop most pistol ammunition such as 44 Magnum SJHP caliber, 9 mm FMJ or lower calibers. Protection level IIIA is most commonly used in the industry for its best combination of price, protection, weight and flexibility, and can be worn below. Protection levels III and IV will stop most rifle ammunition, but do not provide protection against bullets that reach a higher speed than that prescribed by the NIJ Standard, anti-armor (prohibited ammunition) or burst fire.
4. Is it forbidden to have a protective ballistic vest?
In the European Union, it is allowed to have a protective ballistic vest that is not intended for military or police use.
5. At what distance does the vest provide protection?
According to NIJ STANDARD for soft ballistics protection level IIA, II, IIIA testing is performed from a distance of 5 meters, and for hard ballistics protection level III and IV testing is performed from a distance of 15 meters. Some of the CROSHIELD® ballistic protection panels have been tested and provide protection against a projectile fired at an adjacent ballistic panel, the so-called “contact shot”.
6. What are the consequences of a projectile strike?
Projectiles successfully stopped by armor will in any case produce some degree of injury, resulting in bruises or broken bones, depending on the type of bullet fired, the place of impact and the path the projectile travels. There is no ballistic vest that is 100% resistant to the trauma effect. Keep in mind that a bullet always carries a certain risk and consequences.
7. For how long is a ballistic package valid?
There are a number of factors that affect the life of a ballistic package/panel. The main factor is aging, and the rest are proper storage, proper use and proper maintenance during the warranty period.
CROSHIELD d.o.o. guarantees a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years of protection according to the level of protection stated on the label of ballistic packages if the user follows the manufacturer’s instructions on use and storage. The length of the warranty depends on the type and type of ballistic material.
8. Do you sell used ballistic vests?
CROSHIELD doo does NOT sell used ballistic vests. After receiving each order, we start production and use only all new materials, which allows us to give a guarantee on ballistic packages for up to 10 years.
9. To which countries does CROSHIELD® deliver its products?
CROSHIELD d.o.o. delivers its ballistic products to almost all countries of the world. We do NOT ship to countries on the EU sanctions list. To send products outside the EU, a prior export permit is required, i.e. an export license issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Croatia.
10. How comfortable are CROSHIELD® products?
CROSHIELD® products are extremely comfortable to wear. Our development department takes special care of the design and comfort of our products, and the latest generation of materials from which they are made are a guarantee of quality.